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Start a session with your client

This guide demonstrates how to initiate a pre-booked, one-on-one personal training session with your client using GoXPro. This process is applicable for starting any type of booking you might have, from massage appointments to classes.

Step 1: Navigating the Today page

  • The "Today" page aggregates all bookings for today and tomorrow from your calendar, presenting them in an order that is easy to navigate.
  • From this page, you can start all your sessions and client assessments. Scroll down to find the booking scheduled for a particular client.
  • Before initiating the session, you have the opportunity to view additional information about this client, as well as to record their body weight.

Step 2: Accessing client information 

Clicking the arrow reveals a panel with further client information.

  • Click here to compare the session count of completed versus paid versus agreed sessions.
  • "Agreed Sessions" refers to those that have been formalized in a contract but not yet paid. This section also displays your client's session count and payment history, indicating who conducted the session and when, as well as the associated invoice.
  • If you conduct regular weigh-ins with your clients, click here to record them and monitor them over time at a glance. You will always be able to see the number of days since their last weigh-in. Enter your client's weight here and click "Save". Changes in body weight over time are automatically calculated and displayed here.

Step 3: Initiating the personal training session and selecting the appropriate program

  • Back on the "Today" screen, you are ready to start your PT session with this client. To do so, simply click the "Start" button. Because this session was scheduled to start outside of a ten-minute window from the actual time, you will just need to check this box, then click here to start the session.
  • Considering that each client may be enrolled in multiple programs at any one time, this step enables you to select a different program than the one initially scheduled for this session. If you are running a split program over several days, GoXPro will, by default, indicate which program to start.
  • You have now started your session and have the correct program day open on your device.

Step 4: Coaching and recording progress

  • From here, you can begin coaching your client and recording their reps and sets.
  • Clicking the "Set Done" button will record the reps and weights for that set and mark it as completed.
  • Clicking "All Sets Done" will complete all sets for this exercise. You also have the option to skip an exercise by clicking the "Skip" button.
  • Proceed to the next exercise you wish to undertake. If this exercise was set up as part of a superset, you would automatically be moved from set to set of each of the exercises in the superset.

Step 5: Adjusting the session on the fly

  • During your sessions, you have the capability to add or replace exercises, delete items, and rearrange the program, all on the fly.
  • To access these options, hold your finger down on an exercise for half a second. On a PC or Mac, a right-click will bring up the same menu. Once a session has been initiated, it's automatically recorded in your client's session count.

Step 6: Concluding the session and reviewing progress

  • Once you've completed your session, click the button at the top left of the page to exit from the sessions tab. You can observe your client's progression in each of the exercises within the program. This includes their performance during coached sessions, self-train, solo sessions, or a combination of both training modalities.
  • The grey session represents a solo session, and the purple tiles indicate coached sessions. Click on any of these session tiles to review the session in detail.
  • Importantly, through the client application, your client can view their progress in every exercise within the program.
  • If they have performed an exercise in previous programs, they will see their best result, be it weight lifted or time held.
  • They can then share this achievement on their social media accounts. As their coach, your name will also be featured in the post, offering excellent third-party marketing for you.


Congratulations on completing this tutorial. You now know how to initiate a session with your client from the Today tab in your GoXPro app.
